Friday, June 03, 2005


"Who Shall Be the One" Part 2: Second part to the Cambodian riddle. One of these day, I will modify it and make it better. That or write a story that extended from it. I started something of that like, I remember a while back, but never got very far on it. Posted by Hello

"Who Shall Be the One": It started out as a simple Cambodian riddle that I translated from my oldest sister-in-law into a full fledge rhythmic riddle. I remember giving this to friends and stumping them. Those were good old days. :) Posted by Hello

"Look At My Heart": The second lyric I devised for the last assignment for my IB Senior English class. Actually I wrote this one first, but decided that it was too "emotional" and so decided to go with a more humorous "Joy to the Book" lyric. Pity because I kind of like this one better. It is sung to the melody of "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas". Posted by Hello

"Joy to the Books": This lyrics was devised in my Senior Year at Tualatin High School. Sung to the "Joy to the World" melody, it was supposed to summarized the novels that we have read in my IB Senior English class (IB being one of those fancy names for the high and mighty). The novels were (in the order of most favorite to least) "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", "Othello", "Heart of Darkness", "Jane Eyre", and "The House of the Spirits". I create another lyric but chose this one to sing in class due to its humor and simplicity in melody. My teacher's name was Mr. Bruender. Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 02, 2005



Hello there! Welcome to the Puchives!

Here you will find the digitized archives of works, papers, drawings, etc. of the (in)famous Pu (real name: Pu N. Nie). The reason for this massive work is to make sure that I can safeguard my past and my memories; encapsulate it within a time capsule that can withstand the test of time. Materialistic papers can deteriote over time or lost for that matter; thus, by converting them to the digitized format for future retrieval at my whim, it provides me a sense of sanctuary that my past can remaing unforgotten for ages to come.

The idea of converting my memories to blog posts came about when I was cleaning my "junks" and trying to figure out what to throw away. A lot of old memories shifted about as I shuffled through my old things. I don't want to throw away some of the writings or drawings, no matter how bad they were, but I don't have quite the room for them in the new house. So I thought, why not just capture it somehow, digitized them. So in the event that I *lost* any of my old memories, I can regain them by the click of a mouse.

And so, the Puchives begins.

Hopefully, you may gain some insights or understanding to your own lives by glimpsing at mine. Whether you believe this is a masterpiece or that I'm just psychotic, just remember that your past is something one should cherish, no matter the sadness behind it. It is the very thing that makes us human, having a past to which we can base a future on. :)


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